
1.8. Quiz 1 (Check yourself).


1. Medication administration is when the care provider is responsible for giving the client’s Medicines.


True or False


2. Self-administered medication is when the client is responsible for taking His/her medicine.


True or False


3. Clients who self-administer medicines must: (Choose all that apply).

a)    Keep the medicine in the original container;

b)    Keep the medicine in a secure location;

c)     Keep the medicine out of reach of other clients;

d)    Keep the medicine in the bathroom.


4. It is not necessary to keep medication records on clients who are assisted with medications.


True or False


5. When you assist a client with his medication, you are responsible for being sure the medicine is taken correctly.


True or False


6. List the Seven Rights of providing medication assistance.


The Right: (1) _____, (2) _____, (3) _____, (4) _____, (5) _____, (6) _____, (7) _____ .


7. It is a law, that signs of abuse and neglect are to be reported.


True or False.


8. What are the different routes in administrating medications?

(1) __________, (2) __________, (3) __________, (4) ____________.


9. As a none licensed person, I can take orders over the phone?

True or False.


10. I can give medications that I didn’t set up?

True or False.



Answers module 1: 1.true 2.true 3. a, b, c 4. false 5.true 6. client, time, drug, dose, route, documentation. 7. true. 8. Ingestion, application, inhalation, insertion. 9. false 10. false.