Regulatory and professional guidelines.
Standards of conduct:
A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and rules and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor and moral codes, as well as halachic and religious laws.
Ethics in the workplace:
Workplace ethics and behavior are a crucial part of employment, as both are aspects that can assist a company in its efforts to be profitable. In fact, ethics and behavior are just as important to most companies as performance as high morale and teamwork are two ingredients for success. Every business in every industry has certain guidelines to which its employees must adhere, and frequently outline such aspects in employee handbook.
Informed consent:
Informed consent is a permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences, typically that which is given by a patient to a doctor for treatment with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits.
Quality Management Plan: Every licensed or certified facility shall establish a Quality management program appropriate to the size and type of facility that evaluates the quality of patient or resident care and safety, and complies with rules and regulations.
Personnel Management Recruitment/hiring. Advertising, screening, reference check, back ground checks, orientation, continuing education, supervision, scheduling.
Professional work habits and time management skills:
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity.
PCW Daily Jobs and time management.
A Personal care worker may be responsible for providing a safe, clean living area for the care recipient. The extent of these home services will depend on the needs of the loved one. A clean environment keeps harmful bacteria under control and helps stop the spread of communicable diseases. It also makes one feel more relaxed and comfortable, and is, therefore, conducive to the good health of the care recipient. Food stored properly and spills wiped up promptly keep insects from becoming a problem. Clean rooms provide an orderly way of living, enable us to find things easily, and help prevent accidents. It may be helpful to set up a daily work plan for the jobs that family members can follow. Always make a list of what you need to keep a living area clean, and use those products already in the home where possible. Before beginning your tasks, collect all supplies and equipment needs for a chore and carry them in a pail, tray, shopping bag, or laundry basket from one room to another. Carry a pad and pencil for noting items that need to be bought or replaced. Plan major jobs for different days of the week – i.e. don’t do laundry, vacuuming, and wash floors all on the same day.
Dusting helps prevent the spread of bacteria. It also helps those who are sensitive to dust. Dusting should be done daily or at least weekly. Lightly dampen a rag with water or a commercial spray to keep the dust from spreading. Move the cloth to gather the dust onto it.
Floors Rugs and carpets should be vacuumed or swept regularly. Furniture may have to be moved to do a proper job. Smaller rugs can be shaken and washed. Do not wash wood floors. Instead, vacuum and clean with a vinegar/water solution or use a commercial product. Hard floors can be swept or vacuumed and mopped. Always mop tile or linoleum floors with a well wrung-out mop or rag so as not to loosen the tiles or make them slippery. Small rugs placed in entryways can catch a lot of dirt from the outside.
Washing Dishes:
Proper dishwashing kills bacteria. Always wash dishes as soon after a meal as possible. When using a dishwasher, first scrape and rinse the dishes. Load the dishwasher and run it when you have a full load to conserve water and electricity. If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash and rinse dishes by hand. Wash the cleanest dishes first and the dirtiest last (glasses and cups, silverware, plates, pots and pans.) Rinse dishes well and place in drain board or on towel. Allow them to air dry if possible.
Cleaning the Kitchen:
A kitchen is cleaned more frequently than any other room in the home. You should clean up after each meal to kill as many bacteria as possible. Keeping a kitchen clean and tidy is easy if you remember to do each of these chores:
- Refrigerate or otherwise store all food immediately after each meal.
- Clean up any spills regularly, especially on a stove where they can become baked on.
- Wipe out the refrigerator regularly, defrosting when necessary.
- Wipe down any small appliances with soap and water. Remember to disconnect them first.
- Wipe off the countertops, areas around the drawer handles, and door pulls. Keep surfaces uncluttered.
- Wash, rinse, drain, and put away all dishes as soon as possible after each meal.
- Scrub cutting boards between and after each use.
- Mop the floors and take out any garbage.
Cleaning the Dining and Living rooms:
- Clean up crumbs under and around table.
- Tidy up.
- Throw out recycle newspapers.
- Empty ashtrays and wastebaskets.
- Dry-mop floor.
- Dust furniture and window sills.
Cleaning the Bathroom:
Bathrooms usually have constant moisture in the air. Therefore, they need to be cleaned regularly to kill bacteria and odors. Water left on the floor can be slippery and dangerous. When you clean a bathroom, make a point of doing the following:
- Wipe out the shower/tub after each use.
- Clean sinks and other fixtures regularly.
- Clean the toilet:
a) Scrub the toilet bowl with soap or detergent, especially under the rim.
b) Leave the suds in the bowl while you wash the outside.
c) Do NOT mix toilet bowl cleaner with other cleansers.
d) Use clean, hot water to rinse off the toilet.
4. Mop the floors or vacuum the carpet.
a) Use care when scrubbing.
b) Change cleaning water when moderately dirty.
c) Rinse if needed to avoid streaking or filming.
d) Store all cleaning products safely. They should be kept in their original containers, away from children, pets, and any heat sources. Cleaning tools and supplies should be stored safely as close as possible to where you will use them.
Cleaning the Bedroom:
- Put clothes away or into wash.
- Straighten room and empty trash.
- Dry-mop or vacuum floor.
- Air out beds and make them up
Your care recipient may spend part of or all of the day in bed. As a result, many individuals are fed, bathed, and use the bedpan in bed. Making a bed properly is, therefore, very important. A clean, neat bed will make the care recipient comfortable. Wrinkles are uncomfortable and restrict the circulation, and can cause pressure sores (decubitus ulcers). Make the bed wherever your care recipient has decided to sleep, whether in bed or on the couch. Use whatever linens are in the house. .
There are three basic types of beds:
- Closed bed – used when the bed will be empty for a while. It will stay clean, not exposing the linens.
- Open bed – used when the care recipient is out of bed for a while but needs to get into it easily. The top sheet of the closed bed is fan-folded down.
- Occupied bed – used when the bed is made with the care recipient in it and not able or permitted to get out of the bed.
Tips for bed making:
- Keep the bed dry and clean. Change linens when needed.
- Keep the bed wrinkle-free.
- Keep the bed free of food and crumbs.
- Make the bed to suit your care recipient.
Bed Linen
Folding Flat and Fitted Sheets
- › Show respect and consideration for client preferences. Solicit their input.
- › Fold sheets promptly while still hot from the dryer to minimize wrinkling.
- › Exercise careful folding. Smooth on a flat surface to minimize wrinkling.
- › Fold lengthwise by carefully matching ends.
- › Fold widthwise, smoothing wrinkles. Fold to achieve a compact, rectangular shape (4-6 folds total).
- › With fitted sheets, mimic flat sheet method. Place one fitted corner into the opposite corner. Keep as flat as possible.
- › Repeat as necessary to achieve an approximate rectangular shape to match the flat sheet.
- › Fold lengthwise into rectangular shape (4-6 folds total).
Hints on Bed-Making
- › Respect client wishes. Note client limitations.
- › Ensure bottom fitted or flat sheet is snug, secure, and wrinkle-free.
- › Place the top sheet according to client preference.
Well-centered from side to side, adequate length at head of bed, adequate length of sheet at foot of bed for proper tucking Hospital corners – then secure or leave loose as preferred.
- › Bottom sheet, then optional water-resistant pad (“Chucks”), and draw sheet for client with bladder-control problems.(optional).
- › Pleat or fold in center foot of top sheet (optional) to relieve pressure on feet.
Linen Change Procedure:
- Plan ahead.
- Keep clean linen on a clean surface, separate from soiled linen.
- If linen is soiled with body fluids, WEAR GLOVES.
- Loosen linens on the bed. Remove them, folding the cleaner areas over the stained area
- Complete the linen change.
- Hold soiled linens away from clothing. Avoid shaking or fanning the linens.
- Place dirty linens in designated area (hamper, dirty pillowcase, laundry basket, etc.), or launder immediately in the family’s washing machine.
- Remove and discard gloves if used.
- Wash hands.
Seasonal Bedding Changes:
- Offer assistance with winter/summer bedding changes. Launder blankets per label/client instruction prior to storage.
- Ensure placement of electric blanket to avoid direct contact with client’s skin.
- Place electric blanket controls in easy to reach location.
- Elderly are at increased risk for hypothermia. Be sure there are adequate, easily available, additional blankets.
- Clean out refrigerator. Wash inside and out before doing weekly marketing.
- Give the stove thorough washing inside and outside.
- Clean appliances such as the microwave.
- Scrub the floor with hot, sudsy water. Rinse with hot water or as client directs.
- Grocery shopping – as directed
- Scrub toilet bowl with toilet brush and toilet bowl cleaner.
- Wash outside toilet surfaces with disinfectant.
- Wash the mirrors.
- Make sure there is enough soap in each soap dish.
- Launder the bath mat and bathroom rug.
- Scrub the shower stall.
- Wipe shower curtain with a weak mixture of bleach and water.
- Open the closet doors to air out clothes.
- Put clean sheets and pillowcases on the beds.
- Change or wash the mattress covers or waterproof pads if they are soiled.
- Vacuum or use slightly damp mop to dust bare floors.
- Use cloth squeezed in hot, sudsy water to clean fingerprints off walls, woodwork, and light switches.
- Dust furniture, light fixtures, lamps, books, windowsills, phone, and small items.
Dining room
- Sweep or vacuum carpet or rug
- Vacuum or clean bare floors with slightly damp mop
- Use cloth squeezed in hot, sudsy water to clean fingerprints off walls, woodwork, and light switches.
- Dust the furniture, light fixtures, any open shelves, ornamental china, glassware or sliver, as client directs.
(Respect Client wishes and directions)
- Defrost freezer
- Clean and organize cupboards and drawers.
- This is a good time to discuss with client any stored food.
- Wash cabinet doors with soapy water, or as recommended by client
- Dust light fixtures, clean oven vent and hood as needed.
Perform organizational tasks; straighten medicine chest or closet.
- Offer to clean or organize closets or drawers.
- Take clothes to dry cleaner if necessary.
- Vacuum under bed and furniture
- Wash baseboards & windowsills.
- Vacuum under furniture
- Dust light fixtures or wash with warm soapy water.
Be careful not to burn yourself!
- Use vacuum attachments or CLEAN broom or mop to remove cobwebs from ceiling and walls.
- Windex pictures if requested by client.
- Dust phone or wipe with warm water or disinfectant as needed.
- Dust plants, if desired by client.
Monthly tasks take time away from your ordinary routine.
You will need to plan ahead with your client and take about ten minutes out of each visit to accomplish them.