Students are encouraged to use private student loans only as supplemental funding after having exhausted all other sources of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and federal student loans. Be conservative and only borrow what you absolutely need. Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan is one such option. Banking institutions such as Wells Fargo Bank also offer private student loans.
Consider the influence you can have on the quality of care for millions of people. APLMED Academy Director’s Scholarship The Director’s Scholarship awards $500 to one outstanding student in each cohort, based on merit. Newly enrolled students must submit a formal letter via email or in-person to be considered for this scholarship. In the letter, each applicant must provide details regarding all previous academic and professional experiences as well as career goals and any additional information that distinguishes the student among his or her…
Consider the influence you can have on the quality of care for millions of people.
GetFinancing is a real-time Purchase Finance Gateway that allows consumers to obtain instant financing from numerous lending sources when making a purchase online at a participating merchant’s website. Coming soon!
APLMED Academy Director’s Scholarship
The Director’s Scholarship awards up to $500 to one outstanding student in each cohort, based on merit. Newly enrolled students must submit a formal letter via email or in-person to be considered for this scholarship. In the letter, each applicant must provide details regarding all previous academic and professional experiences as well as career goals and any additional information that distinguishes the student among his or her peers. The scholarship will be paid directly to the student’s tuition bill.
Military Benefits – MyCAA
APLMED Academy is a Military friendly school offering GI Bill(®) benefits for military employees and also offering MYCAA funding for spouses and families of the military who want to continue their education. Login to: to get started.
Our innovative business model means you no longer have to bear the cost of tuition–we’ll cover that for you 100%. Not being able to afford training is no longer a barrier.
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) – Adult Services
Training and employment services are available for unemployed or underemployed individuals who are 18 years of age or older. A priority of services is offered to low-income adults. Skill upgrades and occupational training for high-growth industry/sector jobs including new energy and green jobs are available.
Denver Workforce Services –
Jefferson County CO Business & Workforce Center –
Arapahoe/Douglas WORKS, Workforce Center –
Private Student Loans
Students are encouraged to use private student loans only as supplemental funding after having exhausted all other sources of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and federal student loans. As with any student loan, be conservative and only borrow what you absolutely need. Sallie Mae Smart Option Student Loan is one such option. Banking institutions such as Wells Fargo Bank also offer private student loans. Students who do not have an established credit history may still qualify for private student loans by applying with a creditworthy cosigner. Applying using a creditworthy cosigner with a credit rating that is better than yours may lower your private student loan interest rate and loan fee.
We recommend that you contact the school directly to discuss your options for financial assistance.