Administrator/Manager Training (Online only)
Home Care Administrator Management Training (Online only)

The goal of the Home Care Administrator Management Training (Approved by CDPHE) is to provide a supportive learning environment for administrators and senior managers. The HCAMT will strengthen your competencies to position your organization for success and help you integrate the complexities of quality, compliance, financial management, and strategic performance. The HCAMT is broken down into 8, 12, 16 and 24-hour Courses.
Program Goals

• Identify key health care trends that will influence the positioning strategies of your home care organization;
• Integrate data management and analysis methods into your quality assessments and performance improvement program;
• Implement key financial management strategies to prepare and interpret financial documents and to understand the impact of current changes in health care;
• Understand leadership responsibilities in promoting a quality-driven organization;
• Integrate corporate compliance issues with clinical, financial and legal integrity of the organization.
Who Should Sign Up?

The Home Care Administrator Certificate Program HCAMT is designed for managers, senior administrators, directors including DON’s, DOO’s, DPCS, director of training, directors of operation management, director of business development, director of social services, human resources, office manager, director of clinical services, CEO’s, COO’s, CFO’s and any other upper-level management.
Instruction Manual found here